MONTAG 04/04/2022
Back Rack Lunges
Superset with: 15-20 heavy Russian Swings
For time:
50 Power Cleans 50/30
Immediately into:
50 Back Squats 50/30
EMOM: 3 Burpees
Cap: 20'
DIENSTAG 05/04/2022
A: Push Press
After warm up sets complete:
Set 1: 5 reps @75%
Set 2: 3 reps @85%
Set 3: Max reps @95% (shoot for more than 1)
B: Push Jerk
After warm up sets complete:
Set 1: 5 reps @75%
Set 2: 3 reps @85%
Set 3: Max reps @95% (shoot for more than 1)
15' to get as far as possible...
10 Pull Ups
250m Run
10 Pull Ups
30 Double Unders
250m Run
10 Pull Ups
40 Plate Ground To Overheads 20/15
30 Double Unders
250m Run
10 Pull Ups
50 Push Ups
40 Plate Ground To Overheads 20/15
30 Double Unders
250m Run
10 Pull Ups
A: Push Press
After warm up sets complete:
Set 1: 5 reps @75%
Set 2: 3 reps @85%
Set 3: Max reps @95% (shoot for more than 1)
B: Push Jerk
After warm up sets complete:
Set 1: 5 reps @75%
Set 2: 3 reps @85%
Set 3: Max reps @95% (shoot for more than 1)
15' to get as far as possible...
5 Pull Ups
150m Run
5 Pull Ups
20 Double Unders
150m Run
5 Pull Ups
30 Plate Ground To Overheads
20 Double Unders
150m Run
5 Pull Ups
40 Push Ups
30 Plate Ground To Overheads
20 Double Unders
150m Run
5 Pull Ups
MITTWOCH 06/04/2022
Power Clean
After warm up sets complete:
Set 1: 3 reps @75%
Set 2: 2 reps @85%
Set 3: 1 reps @95+%
Front Squat
After warm up sets complete:
Set 1: 5 reps @75%
Set 2: 3 reps @85%
Set 3: As many reps as possible @95%
15' to get as far as possible...
Barbell Thrusters 35/25
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 35/25
Immediately into;
Barbell Thrusters 40/30
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 40/30
Immediately into;
Barbell Thrusters 45/35
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 45/35
Immediately into;
Barbell Thrusters 50/40
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 50/40
DONNERSTAG 07/04/2022
A: 3 Super sets of:
8-10 Reverse Grip Bench Press
8-10 Barbell Bent Over Rows
8-10 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises
Rest 2' betw. sets!
B: 3 Sets of:
AMRAP (weighted) Dips
Rest 60-90sec. betw. sets!
For Time:
100 Double Unders
5 Rounds:
15 American KB Swings 24/16
15 Push Ups
100 Double Unders
5 Rounds:
15 American KB Swings 24/16
15 Push Ups
Cap 18'
A: 3 Super sets of:
8 Reverse Grip Bench Press
8 Barbell Bent Over Rows
8 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises
Rest 2' betw. sets!
B: 3 Sets of:
Rest 60-90sec. betw. sets!
For Time:
70 Double Unders
4 Rounds:
12 American KB Swings
12 Push Ups
70 Double Unders
4 Rounds:
12 American KB Swings
12 Push Ups
Cap 20’
FREITAG 08/04/2022
HYROX PFT (18:00-20:00 Uhr)
(Physical Fitness Test)
For time:
1K Run
50 Burpee Broad Jumps
100 Lunges
1K Row
30 Hand Release Push Ups
100 Wall Balls 4/6
Der Hyrox PFT ist ein weltweit einheitlicher Fitness-Test. Jeder der möchte, kann daran teilnehmen und erhält eine kleine Auszeichnung, wenn er den Test erfolgreich bewältigt hat!
Bitte melde dich im Eversports ''HYROX-PFT'' und über folgenden Link für das Event an:
(Klicke auf “Tickets auswählen“ und wähle CrossFit3430)
Im Anschluss freuen wir uns auf ein paar kühle Getränke mit euch!
SAMSTAG 09/04/2022
A: 15’ E3MOM
5 Deadlifts
B: Sled Push
4 x 10m - work heavy
15' cap
In teams of 2, 35min. to finish...
3 Rounds:
30 T2B
40 Wall Balls 10/6
30 Power Snatches 35/25
70/50 Cal Row
2 Rounds:
30 T2B
40 Wall Balls 10/6
30 Power Cleans 50/35
70/50 Cal Ski
1 Round:
30 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Balls 10/6
30 Front Squats 60/40
SONNTAG 10/04/2022