MONTAG 01/05/2023 FREE GYM!
DIENSTAG 02/05/2023 CROSSFIT STRENGTH Back Squat 7-7-7-7 WORKOUT EMOM until you finish... 3 Power Cleans 60/40 Max. Wall Balls in rem. time. *The workout is over when you reach 150 Wall Balls! CF-INTERMEDIATE STRENGTH Back Squat 7-7-7-7 WORKOUT EMOM until you finish... 3 Power Cleans Max. Wall Balls in rem. time. *The workout is over when you reach 100 Wall Balls."
MITTWOCH 03/05/2023 CROSSFIT STRENGTH Deadlift 7-7-7-7 WORKOUT 100 Front Rack Lunges 35/25 200 Push Ups 300 Double Unders *You break this up any way you like! *Lunges: L + R = 2 reps TC: 20'
DONNERSTAG 04/05/2023
14' E2MOM
5 Push Jerks
5 (Weighted) Chin Ups
25cal. Ski
25cal. Row
50 KB-American Swings 24/16
20cal. Ski
20cal. Row
40 KB-American Swings 24/16
15cal. Ski
15cal. Row
30 KB-American Swings 24/16
10cal. Ski
10cal. Row
20 KB-American Swings 24/16
TC: 20'
10' E2MOM
5 Push Jerks
5 (Weighted) Chin Ups
20cal. Ski
20cal. Row
50 KB-American Swings 24/16
15cal. Ski
15cal. Row
30 KB-American Swings 24/16
10cal. Ski
10cal. Row
20 KB-American Swings 24/16
TC: 15'
FREITAG 06/05/2023 CROSSFIT STRENGTH Front Squat 7-7-7-7 WORKOUT For time... 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters 40/30 Burpees T2B
09:00-10:00 Uhr
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TEAM-WORKOUT STRENGTH Strict Press 7-7-7-7 *Superset with: 10-12 Bent over Rows WORKOUT In teams of 2... A: 5' AMRAP 12 Wall Balls 10/6 6 Burpees 90'' rest B: 5' AMRAP 12 Box Jumps 6 Burpees 90'' rest C: 5' AMRAP 12 KB-American Swings 24/16 6 Burpees 90'' rest D: 5' AMRAP 12 Pull Ups 6 Burpees 90'' rest E: 5' AMRAP 12 C&J´s 40/30 6 Burpees 90'' rest F: 5' AMRAP 12 T2B 6 Burpees
*50/50 - I go, you go!
z.B: WOD A - 5' AMRAP
P1: 6 Wall Balls
P2: 6 Wall Balls
P1: 3 Burpees
P2: 3 Burpees
*Score = total Burpees of WOD A-F!
SONNTAG 08/05/2023