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MITTWOCH 24/11/2021

STRENGTH A: Bend over Rows 4 x 8-12 B: 100 DB-Push Ups *split as needed

WORKOUT 15' AMRAP 21 Wall Balls 15cal. 9 Deadlifts 70/45

DONNERSTAG 25/11/2021

STRENGTH A: Weighted Knee Raises 4 x max reps B: DB-Deadlifts 10 x 5 60'' rest betw. sets

WORKOUT 5 RFT 300m Run 10-8-6-4-2 Hang Power Cleans *increase weight every RND! 5 Burpees over the Bar

FREITAG 26/11/2021

STRENGTH A: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 B: Seated BB-Good Mornings 8-8-8-8-8


8' AMRAP 8 alt. DB-Lunges 8 Box Jumps 8 DB-Power Cleans 32 Double Unders 2' Rest 8' AMRAP 8 alt. DB-Goblet Squats 8 Box Jumps 8 DB-Hang Power Cleans 32 Double Unders *use 22,5/12kg DBs

SAMSTAG 27/11/2021


4 Super sets

6-8 BB-Push Press

8-10 supinated Bent over Rows

2' rest betw. sets!


A: 3 x 2' AMRAP

10/8cal Ski

8 alt. DB-Snatches 30/22,5

Max T2B in remaining time

*1' rest betw. AMRAPs!

3' rest

B: 3 x 2' AMRAP

10/8cal Row

8 Wall Balls 10/6

Max. Push Ups


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